Some verbs expressing feelings, emotions and attitudes have different word order and typical grammar rules do not apply to them.

Bolí hlava.

Zajímají auta?

Babičku nebaví angličtina.

Tomáše mrzí rozhodnutí.

Differently from usual rules, here, the person always becomes the object (in Accusative) of the respective feeling or emotion.

I have a headache.

My head hurts me.

Are you interested in cars?

Do cars interest you?

Pronouns in Accusative

The verb always stays in the third person (singular or plural). It is often the pronoun that can indicate who the sentence is about.

Bolí — — hlava.
Bolí — ho — hlava.

The accusative pronouns are:

já –

ty –

on – ho

ona – ji

to – ho

my – nás

vy – vás

oni – je

Other Languages

Other languages such as Spanish or German also have a similar grammar pattern:

Me duele la cabeza.

¿Te interesan los coches?

Mein Kopf tut mir weh.

Interessieren dich die Autos?